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Insurance and mutual insurance
April Santé Prévoyance optimises management of its incoming mail
To free space and manage information better, April Santé Prévoyance has set up a paperless platform for its incoming mail. Set up within six months, the project met with considerable success among users and produced several benefits.
Insurance and mutual insurance
The ONP industrialises its mail processing
After an initial project targeting the scanning of 2 million pension files, i.e. the equivalent of 220 million pages, the Belgian Office national des Pensions (ONP) has extended its know-how to the management of its incoming mail with a new scanning workshop adapted to its specific needs.
Insurance and mutual insurance
Leading health insurer improves client service and increases competitiveness
Leading health insurer improves client service and increases competitiveness with high-speed scanning and intelligent document processes.
To improve the Caisses d'Epargne scanning system, the National ECM IT-CE (information technology of Caisses d'Epargne) programme has set up a bespoke solution allowing each branch in the network to scan its own documents. It targeted time-saving, improved efficiency and quality of scanned documents.
In order to optimise account managers' time and to improve customer care, one of the major French banks has just equipped its staff with personal scanners.
To simplify its processes and improve scanning quality, Société Générale is going paperless: scanning the justifying documents for its customer dossiers "at source" by equipping all its account managers with their own scanners.
In recent years internet banking has expanded tremendously. That does not mean, however, that the familiar payment forms and paper transfer forms will disappear in the short term. But due to the reduced volume; and in the interest of efficiency, virtually all Dutch and Belgian banks have outsourced processing of these transaction documents to UPSS (Unisys Payment Services & Solutions), which processes between 200,000 and 300,000 transfers daily, or about 60 million annually.
Industry and Transport
Paprec optimizes its productivity through digitisation
In order to avoid bottlenecks, Paprec has just dematerialised its collection note processing chain. This project was a real success and gave new ideas to the company. Paprec now intends to extend digitisation to new documents.
Industry and Transport
Spie Batignolles Nord takes the paperless road
In order to optimise space in its new premises, Spie batignolles nord started to digitise its archives six months before moving Despite the very tight schedule, the project was so successful that it has become completely paperless on a daily basis.
Industry and Transport
Vialtis has set up a digitisation process in 8 countries
In order to comply with new European regulations imposing the digitisation of VAT returns, Vialtis has set up a complex circuit with its subsidiaries. Having done so, the company has saved time and improved visibility in processing its files.
Industry and Transport
BVP group optimises its financial management with the digitisation of its delivery slips
A timber and building materials merchant, the Boyenval Van-Peer group (BVP) is active in the wholesale building and public works market.
Health and Social sector
Biomnis optimizes management of its scanners
By centralizing purchases and tasking Spigraph with the maintenance of all its scanners, the Biomnis group has optimized the management and visibility of its installations.
Health and Social sector
Saint-Lô and Coutances hospitals digitise their patients' records
Located in the department of La Manche (50), the hospitals of Saint- Lô (1,300 employees) and Coutances (500 employees) have pooled their IT resources to share the same information system.
Health and Social sector
The Parc Rambot Polyclinic digitises its Patient Records
The Parc Rambot Polyclinic, founded in 1975, comprises two short-stay medical and surgical care establishments and is located in Aix-en-Provence (13).
In charge of centralizing French national archives and ensuring their free access to the population for over 200 years, the Archives Nationales collect, classify and conserve old documents, many of which are several centuries old. Communication is probably the most fundamental aspect of this institution's remit. It is entrenched in the following declaration, "society has the right of requesting account from any public agent of its administration", set out in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
Like many civil service departments, the Loiret General Council has launched a vast archive digitisation project. With more than two million images to be checked, the Council opted to set up a quality control solution to industrialize the process.
Auto Docs testimonial
Auto Docs captures social history from classic publications for global researchers using leading technology from i2S DigiBook supported by Spigraph Network
The National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco (called “NLKM”) is actively engaged in preserving its national heritage.
In order to protect precious and fragile documents, the Archives Cantonales Vaudoises asked Spigraph to set up a digitisation workshop suited to the very speci c needs which the i2S scanner and software solutions meet.
Over the past 25 years, the M6 Group has strongly diversified, becoming a powerful multimedia group, offering a wide range of programmes, products and services available in various media: TV, internet, mobile phones, etc. It increasingly positions itself as a content publisher strongly anchored in new digital technology.
For over forty years DocCare, a business process outsourcing company based in Tiel, The Netherlands, has been providing Transaction Document Processing, Document Archiving and Digital Mailroom services to its customers, primarily in the healthcare insurance and local municipality sectors.
Marshoek provides financial administration services for retail clients in The Netherlands, including grocery chains, pharmacies, garden centres and druggists.
La Société Nationale de Développement Informatique (SNDI) en Côte d’Ivoire est une société d’Etat qui accompagne les Ministères dans la plupart des projets informatiques. Forte de ses 215 employés composés à plus de 70% de ressources techniques, la SNDI propose des services d’audit, d’étude, de conception de solutions informatiques de leur mise en place jusqu’à leur maintenance. La SNDI a pour objectif d’aider ses clients à transformer leurs modes d’opération et améliorer leurs performances.
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